Baby Pushing Bottle Away But Still Hungry, 3 Main Reasons

Exploring the Possible Reasons and Solutions

Babies have their unique ways of communicating their needs and preferences, and one common scenario that often perplexes parents is when their baby pushes the bottle away during feeding, yet seems to remain hungry. This behavior can be both confusing and concerning, but understanding the underlying reasons and implementing appropriate solutions can help ensure your baby’s feeding experience is satisfying and nourishing.

Why Babies Push the Bottle Away

Sensory Overload

Babies have highly sensitive senses, and sometimes, the bottle’s flow rate or nipple type might be overwhelming for them. The milk might be coming out too quickly or too slowly, leading the baby to push the bottle away to manage the flow.

Teething Discomfort​

Teething can be a challenging phase for babies. The discomfort and soreness in their gums can make them reluctant to suck on the bottle. Even though they’re hungry, the discomfort might lead them to push the bottle away.

Baby Pushing Bottle Away But Still Hungry

Need for a Break

Babies have moments when they need breaks during feeding. Just like adults, they might get tired or need to catch their breath. Pushing the bottle away could signal their need for a short pause before resuming.

Addressing the Issue: Solutions to Consider

Experiment with Nipple Flow

Try different nipple sizes with varying flow rates. Your baby might prefer a slower flow that gives them more control, or they might be ready for a slightly faster flow that aligns with their feeding pace.

Offer a Teething Solution

If teething discomfort is the issue, provide your baby with a teething toy or a cold, clean cloth to chew on before feeding. This can help soothe their gums and make feeding more comfortable.

Follow Baby's Cues

Pay attention to your baby’s cues during feeding. If they push the bottle away, give them a short break. Gently burp them, offer some comfort, and then try feeding again.

Create a Calm Feeding Environment

Ensure that the feeding environment is calm and distraction-free. Dim the lights, eliminate loud noises, and create a soothing atmosphere that allows your baby to focus on feeding.

Try Different Feeding Positions

Experiment with different feeding positions to find one that your baby finds comfortable. Some babies prefer to be more upright, while others may prefer a slightly reclined position.

Consult a Pediatrician​

If your baby consistently pushes the bottle away and remains fussy during feeding, it’s a good idea to consult your pediatrician. They can rule out any underlying medical issues and provide personalized guidance.


Babies pushing the bottle away while still being hungry is not uncommon, and it’s essential to approach this behavior with understanding and patience. By considering sensory factors, teething discomfort, and the need for breaks, you can tailor your approach to suit your baby’s needs. 

Experiment with solutions, create a soothing feeding environment, and seek professional advice if necessary. Remember, every baby is unique, and finding the right balance between nourishment and comfort is a journey that requires attentive care.

FAQs about Babies Pushing Bottle Away

  • Is it normal for babies to push the bottle away during feeding?

    Yes, it’s relatively common for babies to exhibit this behavior. They might have various reasons for doing so, including sensory issues or teething discomfort.

  • How can I determine if teething is causing the behavior?

    Look for other signs of teething, such as drooling, chewing on objects, and irritability. If these symptoms coincide with the behavior, teething might be a contributing factor.

  • Should I force my baby to continue feeding if they push the bottle away?

    It’s generally not recommended to force your baby to feed if they’re pushing the bottle away. Instead, offer short breaks and create a comfortable environment to ease their discomfort.

  • Can introducing solid foods help alleviate the issue?

    Introducing solid foods should be done based on your baby’s developmental readiness and under the guidance of a pediatrician. While it might help in some cases, it’s not a guaranteed solution for bottle-pushing behavior.

  • When should I consult a pediatrician?

    If the behavior persists, your baby is losing weight, or you’re concerned about their feeding patterns, it’s a good idea to consult a pediatrician for a thorough evaluation and guidance.

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