What Does an Upside Down Pineapple Mean? Most Helpful Answer (2023).

What Does an Upside Down Pineapple Mean? You might assume it’s just a nice trend if you see an upside-down pineapple emblem on someone’s t-shirt, phone case, hand bag, or car. However, it actually has a deeper meaning, one that a lot of TikTok users have been discussing lately. It causes many thinking, “What is an upside-down pineapple’s meaning?”

However, showing an upside down pineapple is like quoting a line from an old movie. Which can be understood by two people only through mutual understanding, whereas it can go over the heads of other people, meaning they will not understand why this image is there?

An upside-down pineapple may just seem like an odd fruit design to most people, but to others, it represents something very different.

Swingers use an upside-down pineapple as an identification sign to recognize each other in public. It lets people know that you’re like swinging.

A swinger is a person who is committed to a non-monogamous long-term or married spouse and whose dynamic includes mutual partner switching.

According to Collins Dictionary, a formal definition of Swingers is, “Swingers are people who are married or in a long-term relationship and who like to have sex with other people’s partners.” Swinging is just a style of “casual non-monogamy.”

Where Usually Display Upside Down Pineapples?

While traveling (such as at a hotel or on a cruise ship), duos who are interested in partner-swapping may have upside-down pineapples casually placed on items like luggage or computers, or this pineapple symbolism could be more obnoxiously plastered on their doors. A real pineapple may also frequently be placed upside down in a shopping cart at the supermarket.

Right-side-up pineapples can also be incorporated into front porch decorations like a pineapple door knocker or a welcome mat. It’s crucial to recognize, though, that not everyone who uses pineapples in these exact ways is aware of its symbolic meaning!

What Additional Forms of Casual Non-Monogamy Exist?

what does an upside down pineapple mean

Open relationships, polyamory, and swinging are all various types of casual non-monogamy, according to researchers Terri D. Conley and Jennifer L. Piemonte, and there are variations between them all, such as relationship satisfaction.

They explain, “Across three studies, we demonstrated that people in polyamorous or swinger-style relationships have higher levels of relationship satisfaction and other relational outcomes (e.g., passionate love, trust) than those in open relationships.”

Swinging: Swinging involves couples engaging in sexual activities with other couples or individuals. It often takes place in a social or club setting, and participants may swap partners or engage in group activities. Swinging typically emphasizes sexual exploration and may not involve emotional connections outside of the primary partnership.

Open Relationships: In open relationships, partners agree to have sexual or romantic interactions with people outside of their primary partnership. The rules and boundaries for these interactions can vary widely, from purely sexual encounters to emotional connections with others.

Casual Dating: Some non-monogamous individuals may choose to casually date multiple people simultaneously without the expectation of exclusivity. These relationships can involve varying levels of emotional connection and may or may not include sexual intimacy.

Friends with Benefits (FWB): Friends with benefits relationships involve friends who engage in sexual activities without the commitment of a romantic partnership. While FWB arrangements can be casual and non-exclusive, they often involve a degree of emotional connection based on friendship.

Casual Hookups: This is the most casual form of non-monogamy, where individuals engage in one-time or short-term sexual encounters without any expectation of a continuing relationship. These encounters may involve people who are not otherwise connected in a romantic or emotional sense.

Polyfidelity: While polyamory often involves multiple romantic or sexual relationships, polyfidelity is a form of non-monogamy where a closed group of people maintains exclusive relationships with one another. In this arrangement, everyone within the group is considered equal and committed to each other.

Relationship Anarchy: Relationship anarchists reject traditional hierarchies and labels in relationships. They prioritize individual autonomy and believe that each connection should be defined by the people involved, without predetermined rules or expectations. This can lead to fluid and non-hierarchical relationship structures.

Solo Polyamory: In solo polyamory, individuals prioritize their own autonomy and independence while maintaining multiple non-exclusive relationships. They may avoid traditional commitments like cohabitation or shared finances and prioritize their individual needs and desires.

Ethical Non-Monogamy: This is a broad term that encompasses various consensually non-monogamous relationship styles. It emphasizes open communication, honesty, and respect among all parties involved.

These are just a few examples of the many forms of casual non-monogamy that exist. It’s essential for individuals considering non-monogamous relationships to communicate openly with their partners, establish clear boundaries, and ensure that all parties involved are comfortable and consenting to the arrangement.

Additionally, what works for one person or relationship may not work for another, so finding the right non-monogamous structure often involves self-discovery and negotiation with partners.


  • Conley, T.D., Piemonte, J.L. Are there “Better” and “Worse” Ways to be Consensually Non-Monogamous (CNM)?: CNM Types and CNM-Specific Predictors of Dyadic Adjustment. Arch Sex Behav 50, 1273–1286 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02027-3

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